
Yoga Every Day (or so) – Taking Yoga Home

When considering the use of Yoga therapeutically to help our health and wellbeing – whether it is for something specific or just to feel better – we need to think about the regularity of our Yoga practice, and this is where a Home Practice comes in.  The aim of...

Yoga Therapy for Injury and Rehabilitation

Surgeries or serious injuries can have many effects – we may have a time of reduced mobility and enforced rest, missing work or regular social and sporting activities, all of which can affect mood; we may experience long term pain; we may be anxious about our recovery...

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

Digestive Health refers to your individual experience of processing food, extracting nutrients, and expelling waste – possibly a taboo subject, but one of importance. There are many problems we can have with digestion – short term if we have made ill-judged choices of...

Yoga Therapy for Pain Conditions

Pain is a normal part of life – warning us if we have injured something that needs treating or reminding us to slow down if we are overdoing it.  However sometimes pain continues longer than may normally be expected after an injury or surgery, for example long term...

Yoga Therapy for Back Pain

Back pain is a common complaint.  It may be short term – lifting awkwardly, over exertion in the gym or garden – or longer term – from injury, pathology such as illness, weakness, posture, or ageing. The interesting thing we know is that peoples experience of pain and...